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Dues and Giving

Some alumni give back to Cornell by volunteering their time: meeting with Cornell applicants, leading alumni clubs and classes or participating in Cornell Cares Day activities worldwide. Others are Cornell Council members or University trustees. 

Giving to Cornell

The JFK Memorial Award is our Class Legacy to Cornell and is given annually to an outstanding senior who is dedicated to the field of public service.

With the approach of our 60th Reunion and beyond, we want to ensure that this Award continues to bestow meaningful grants well into the future! It will be a great gift to Cornell, a meaningful help to the Award winner and will continue to endow our Class's commitment to Democracy.

In order to further this Class goal, in 2023 we established the JFK Award Giving Circle as a way to encourage donations. You can join by donating at one of three levels. Please consider making this an annual donation, knowing that your commitment rewards both scholarship and public service!

- Donor: $500-999
- Supporter: $1,000-4,999
- Benefactor: $5,000 and up

JFK Award Giving Circle donors as of mid-May, 2024 include:

Timothy W. Davis  $500
Toby Kleban Levine  $500
P. Alan Loss  $500
Walter Bartz Schneider  $750
Charles Victor Thornton  $500

Richard W. Augusta  $2,500
Dr. Michael C. T. Smith  $1,000
Phyllis Rivkin Goldman  $1,000
Stephen Holden  $1,000
Barry R. Horn  $1,000
Bruce D. Wagner  $1,000

Kenneth R. Kupchak  $6,000
Stephen S. Lewenberg  $5,000
Dr. Michael B. Troner   $5,000
Stephen L. Whitman  $5,000
Dr. Cynthia L. Wolloch  $10,000

To support the Class of 1964 JFK Memorial Award, click here. Once you have selected your donation amount, to make this an annual donation, please click the RECURRING PAYMENTS box and choose "Yearly".

In addition to the JFK Award Giving Circle, donations can be made as a one time donation, or from Charitable Trusts, Bequests and from your IRAs here.

In addition to this Class Legacy, please consider donations to:

- The Class of 1964 Cornell Tradition Fellowship: click here.

- The Cornell Annual Fund
: click here.

Learn much more here about giving back to Cornell.

Class Dues: stay in the loop!

Please renew your ties to the class each year by supporting the Class of 1964 and paying your class dues. Your dues are the primary source of financial support for our class.

When you become a dues paying member, you are identifying yourself as a proud Cornellian who has a stake in the University's future.

Your class dues go a long way...

  • Supports Class of '64 newsletter and reunion mailings
  • Supports special class programs
  • Supports reunion planning and events
  • Supports this web site
  • Provides the Class of '64 with more space for our Class Notes
  • Assists the Class of '64 in staying in touch with you, so that you can find out what's happening with your classmates and Cornell.

What is the cost of class dues?

Here are the various dues options:

  • $40 - Regular Class Dues.
  • $50 - Couples Dues (both Class of '64).

You can pay your Class of 1964 dues through one of the following methods:

  1. Pay Online.
  2. Pay by check. Mail your check, payable to the Cornell Class of 1964, to: Cornell University, PO Box 37333, Boone, IA 50037-0333.

What time period does my dues payment cover?

A class "dues year" does not follow a calendar year. Instead, it is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. So if you pay your dues in November, it only covers the time through June 30... not to the following November. Each year, class dues request mailings are sent in the spring. Paying them prior to July 1 will provide you with an entire year as a dues-paying member of the class.

What is the difference between class dues and gifts?

Class dues are NOT gifts to Cornell itself and therefore do not count towards our class's Cornell Annual Fund giving total. Dues are paid by our classmates to support, specifically, the Class of 1964 in the ways outlined above.

A gift to the University is an investment in Cornell's future and does count toward our class's Cornell Annual Fund giving total. Your gift is dedicated to providing the University with either restricted or unrestricted support, based on your choice. Restricted gifts are 'earmarked' for a specific purpose (e.g, campus organizations, colleges, departments, activities, sports, fraternities/sororities). Unrestricted support is provided to allow the University autonomy in how they utilize your gift to maintain and strengthen the University as a whole.

Are my dues and gifts tax deductible?

Yes, class dues and all gifts to the University, both restricted and unrestricted, ARE tax-deductible.