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Missing Classmates

The lost classmates list is one we don’t want you to be on! If you have current contact information -- an address, email address or phone number, or even a clue as to geographical location for any of our lost classmates, forward it to the webmaster.

Abrams, Jan Shapiro
Abrams, Jane Shack
Adams, Richard
Adkins, W Thomas
Agnofilo, V Timothy
Ahlbach, Louis J
Ahlers, Carl
Alexander, Jonathan
Alexy, Sue Snyder
Allen, John C
Allen, Winthrop
Alpert, Martin D
Ammann, Arthur C
Archer, James D
Armel, David
Augstein, Edward P
Babcock, Andrew R
Bagnell, Susan McCulloch
Bailey, John
Ball, Faith Saunders
Ball, Robert
Banis, Robert J
Banner, Arnold
Bardo, Victoria Colangelo
Baroni, Rachel Taylor
Barton, Robert J
Barua, Reuben DK
Barwick, June Kinsella
Beard, Ann Hallock
Bechtold, Charles
Becker, Elaine Wellman
Becker, Sherwood G
Beiley, Paul B
Benetz, George E
Berg, Dan S
Bergmann, Robert L
Bernstein, Norman P
Bisgeier, Peter
Bizot, Jon F Lange
Blackburn, Roderic (Deguerre)
Blair, Rima
Bloomfield, Douglass
Blouin, Peter V
Bluestein, Martin J
Bott, William
Bouwens, Carl I
Braide, Victor BC
Brambier, Michael
Brantigan, Charles
Brenner, Carl A
Brower, Dennis C
Brown, David E
Brown, Douglas A
Brown, Jerome W
Brown, Kenneth
Brownstein, Joel
Bruckner, Keith
Bruell, Christopher
Bryan, Richard
Bryer, Paul J
Buccella, Henry
Buchholz, Frederick G
Bueschel, David
Buick, Thomas R
Burke, Dennis B
Burnham, Francis
Burns, Althea May
Butler, Robert
Buttars, Kent
Butterfield, Daniel K
Byard, James L
Cali, John M
Califf, Robert
Calkin, Donald J
Call, Victoria
Cammarata, Salvatore J
Carlisle, William
Carpenter, Lorraine E
Carroll, John F
Carroll, Nicholas
Carson, R Daniel
Catanzaro, Linda Rumsey
Chaikin, Robert E
Chamberlain, John T
Chamberlin, Taylor M
Chanda, Robert M
Chapman, Ann Gibson
Chester, John B
Chiappe, John M
Chimenti, Lance W
Christopher, Arthur W
Clapsaddle, Howard A
Claremon, Neil Jay
Clinton, Le Roy P
Clover, Richmond B
Coburn, John F
Colbeck, William
Cole, Kenneth F
Cole, Theodore V
Collins, David C
Combs, Robert F
Comstock, Donna R
Connery, Francis H
Contos, William J
Coombs, Steven
Cooper, Richard
Cooper, Theodore A
Corrigan, Dennis
Costonis, Arthur
Cripps, James B
Crockenberg, Vincent
Cromwell, John E
Curtis, David
Curtis, Robert I
Daniels, J Carter
Danielson, Charlotte F
Darrah, Bonnie Bissell
Davenport, Henry
Davies, Huw G Leighton
Davis, George
Davis, Wendy Wittlin
Davison, Claire C
Davison, James A
Dawson, Richard W
De Atley, William B
De Dio, Thomas J
De Vinney, Robert J
Dence, Charles W
Desjardins, Robert E
Dickstein, Paul L
Diefenbach, John S
Dill, James C
Dixon, Willard M
Dona, Ralph J
Dougherty, Michael D
Drake, Richard A
Drewes, Charles
Druck, Stephen no
Dunnewold, Duane
Ebenstein, Robert A.
Eckberg, Carl
Eckman, Mark
Edwards, Edythe R
Elder, Charles H
Elston, Charles B
Ely, Richard W
Emery, Nathaniel B
Epstein, Barbara White
Erbstein, Robert
Evans, David
Evans, Donald Q
Fabini, Donald
Fanning, Anne Gleichenhaus
Farquhar, John A
Farren, Kenneth L
Faulkner, Douglas A
Feerst, Joel
Felch, W Paul
Fidlar, Sue Buxton
Findlen, J Peter
Fink, Raymond D
Fish, Thomas M
Fix, Terry
Folsom, David G
Forbes, Phoebe Minckler
Fraas, Arthur
Frank, Carolyn A
Frankel, Eric C
Franz, Donald
French, Edward
Freund, Evan
Friedman, Barry
Friedmann, Barbara A
Frye, Peter W
Gaines, Patricia J
Gantzel, Joan Ivers
Gardner, Alan M
Gayer, John
Gendler, Paul L
Gerard, Ronald
Gerber, Morry
Gibson, Michael
Gilbert, Mason
Ginsberg, Robert
Gobeli, Edward J
Godoff, Stephen
Goldberg, Gerald S
Golden, Laurence B
Golden, Richard M
Goldstein, Kenneth I
Goldstein, Michael B
Goodyear, Marguerite A
Gorham, Donald P
Gove, John W
Graff, David S
Granda, Thomas M
Graves, Frances Gutcheon
Green, John S
Green, William S
Greenberg, David J
Greenberg, Richard M
Greenstein, Doreen Brenner
Gregorek, Raymond T
Gremos, Anthony
Gross, Douglas M
Grossman, Joseph B
Guillian, Eugene
Gulovsen, Robert J
Gunnison, Albert
Guyer, Charlotte Sweet
Haber, James H
Hadden, Kenneth
Hakes, Dewey
Hale, Margaret Hall, John P
Hall, Mary Lychalk
Hall, Tim
Hamburger, Robert
Hamilton, John F
Hamilton, William
Hammond, David Willis
Hammond, Neill G
Harris, Mary Cline
Harvard, Eileen Wilson
Harwood, Richard R
Haskell, Robert
Hassett, John W
Hastings, Beverly
Hastings, John N
Hayden, Samuel L
Haynes, Kenneth L
Hazlett, James B
Healey, Thomas J
Hemmett, Beecher H
Henderson, Mara
Henkin, Robert E
Hensley, James E
Herner, Susan Nearing
Herrera, Bernardo
Hershberg, Stephen T
Heuman, Robert
Hill, Carol Kehoe
Hill, David H
Hill, Peter A
Hill, Rodney
Himes, Harris D
Hinkle, Stephen A
Ho, Dean
Hoag, Edwin C
Hobbins, James
Hofmann, Peter
Hofmann, Herbert
Holland, William T
Homberger, Margaret Blanchard
Hoover, Hester E
Horrocks, Edward E
Horton, John F
Hoskins, John A
Hoskins, Marilee Tryon
Hoyt, Margaret Le Page
Huja, Satyendra
Humbert, Richard P
Humphreys, Hugh
Hunter, Ann Grice
Huntley, Marilyn Brower
Husted, Robert R
Hutchinson, Jody
Hutton, Russell J
Iacomini, Dennis
Illenberg, Gregory Johnson
Isaacson, Stephen L
Issard-Davies, David
Jacobs, Carol
Johnson, Joan Hewlett
Johnson, Laurence A
Johnson, Marian K
Johnson, Thomas R
Jonasson, James G
Jones, Alan R
Jones, Betty Homer
Josh, Stephen C
Kahn, Roger S
Kalb, Susan
Kane, Michael R
Kaphan, Frank
Kaplan, Joshua
Kaplan, Stanley M
Karr, David H
Kase, John L
Kasper, Thomas
Katzin, Judith
Kaufmann, Arthur
Kawawaki, Tadashi
Keller, Sylvia R
Kessel, Jeffrey D
Kidder, Bruce
Kilroy, Kathleen A
King, David M
King, Deborah Schuster
Kittleman, Earle
Klappert, Peter
Klein, Ira B
Klein, Martin
Klein, Susan Boxer
Kline, Richard
Knight, James R
Knoll, David E
Knowles, Stephanie Closter
Koch, Philip J
Koehler, Paul J
Kohlmann, Carol J
Kompare, Wayne
Koon, James K
Korothy, George M
Kovach, Judith A Levy
Kramer, Judith Schwartz
Krantz, Anne Dalrymple
Kucera, Clinton F
Kuck, Peter
Kurz, Gary
Kutz, Robert P
Laitman, Kenneth J
Lane, Myron W
Langballe, Geraldine Maione
Laska, Anthony P
Lassman, Nathan
Law, Richard E
Lechner, John F
Lee, Nancy Nelson
Leone, Joseph
Lerner, Robert J
Levine, Anne M
Levine, Patricia Golden
Levitan, Karen Brounstein
Levy, Richard
Lewis, Elizabeth E
Lewis, Michael C
Lindemann, Jeffrey E
Lindo, Richard J
Lindsey, Janet Hobbs
Linnetz, Eileen Berlad
Linnetz, Lawrence
Linzey, Alicia Vogt
Liona, Edward J
Lippert, Victoria Vogel
Lippman, Marc
Livermore, Robert E
Loeb-Goldfein, Judith Makowsky
Loewen-Rudgers, Lawrence
Logan III, Henry W
Long, Gerald W
Lopez, Ernesto
Loveless, Richard W
Lovell, Kenneth
Lynch, James D
MacLaurin, Leonard A
MacLeod, Alison
Maerlender, William H
Mageean, John J
Maher, Bernard C
Mahler, William K
Manch, David
Mandato, Michael J
Mandell, Richard C
Mangos, Constantine
Manowski, Maxwell E
Markert, Susan Wolff
Marks, Fred J
Martin, Donald P
Martino, Diane A
Martocci, Allan J
Mason, Charles
Mathison, Stuart
Mattsson, Ingvar E
Mauldin, John H
Maycock, Nancy Lord
Mayer, Theodor
McColl, William C
McCune, Jane E
McFarland, Jacqueline R
McIntyre, Susan Little
McKendrich, Martin D
McNeill, John
Mehlinger, Karl
Melville, Christopher J
Mendelsohn, Richard
Meola, Sharon Lamb
Merrill, Jerry S
Merrill, Robert
Messitt, Thomas J
Michelson, John D
Miller, John M
Miller, Stephen A
Millman, Neal A
Miro, Jeffrey
Moon, Catherine Cornell
Moreno, Agustin Palmer
Morse, Robert C
Mott, Nancy Fraser
Moukoko-Ndoumbe, Felix
Mueller, Thomas
Mulholland, Karen Shea
Mulligan, William C
Murdock, Ruth Mider
Murphy, Charles J
Myer, David E
Naana, Abdalla M
Nachbar, Shepard C
Nathans, Gene R.
Negron, William
Nelson, John
Nemser, Stephanie I
Newman, Richard
Nichols, Clarence
Nickles, William D
Nieburgs, Randolph
Nielsen, Kenneth G
Nielsen, Ruth Fialkin
Nightingale, Margaret Hof
Nixon, Thomas
Normore, George W
Norvell, Wendell A
Novak, Richard A
Novick, Judith
O'Day, Daniel J
Ojemen, Augustine
Oleck, Dennis A
O'Leske, Edward
Olinsky, Alan D
Oliver, Carol Elliott
Oliver, William
Olson, Ann M
Olszewski, Carol
O'Rourke, Robert H
Otero, William C
Owens, William L
Page, Alan
Palmer, Galbreath E
Parker, David V
Pedersen, Karen M
Pederson, Virginia A Leighton
Peery, Cliff
Penny, Robert B
Perrone, Paul E
Personius, Alan
Peters, Jeffrey F
Peterson, Dwight
Pharis, Joseph
Phelps, Conrad
Pierce, David W
Pies, Roger
Pirone, Joseph M
Pohl, Ira S
Poll, Morton S
Pollack, Bernard
Potaczala, Ronald J
Potter, Richard F
Powell, Andrew W
Przybylowicz, John W
Putz, Robert B
Ram, Meryl
Rando, Joan Prusik
Rapp, Robert E
Rathkamp, Walter
Ravitch, Harold
Redmond, Geoffrey
Reed, William M
Reich, Elizabeth A
Reier, Warren P
Reik, Lois S
Reinheimer, Robert A
Renner, Otto W
Reyelt, James
Richards, Marvin S
Riggs, Jane E
Rigsby Jr., A Wood
Robinson, Richard C
Robinson, Theodore W
Roedema, Barbara L Roberts
Rogers, Brian
Rollins, Elizabeth Atwood
Rosenberg, Judith H
Rosenfeld, Joan Buchalter
Ross, Alexander
Rotnem, Richard
Rubenstein, Michael
Rubin, Kenneth B
Rudolph, Franklin D
Rushmer, Gary
Russell, Grace M
Rutherford, John G
Salamon, Lynda Brown
Salter, Richard B
Sanderson, Robert D
Satow, Yasuharu
Schaefer, Robert V
Schnakenberg, Robert T
Schnall, Robert M
Schonfeld, William R
Schonzeit, Donald B
Schulman, Edward
Schultz, Anthony A
Schutt, Ruth Peterson
Schwartz, Alan
Secor, John
Sedlak, John P
Seeman, Roy S
Sellers, George E
Seyd, Veronica
Shapiro, Nina P
Shawvan, James H
Shepard, Valerie J
Sherman, Howard C
Sherman, Roger
Shively, Thompson A
Shmookler, Barry
Shostak, Gerald P
Sichel, Joyce Shotland
Silman, Thomas H
Silverman, Irwin G
Simon, Susan
Simon, Thomas
Simons, Allan
Siner, Robert C
Singley, Stephen W
Slabon, Roland
Slade, Michael S
Smith, Bradford M
Smith, Howard S
Smith, Le Roy C
Smith, Mark V
Smyk, Alexander
Sommers, Craig T
Sotiracopoulos, Souzana
Spencer, William R
Spiegel, C Richard
Spritzer, Alice Hyman
Spritzer, Lawrence
Stacy, Leslie Daus
Stadulis, Robert E
Stampleman, Jed R
Stanley, James R
Stark, Marshall W
Starnes, Suki Sharp
Stayter, Vincent A
Stein, Eugene J
Stewart, Jack B
Stewart, Rudolph Alan
Stokes, Jon A
Strauss, Patricia Paciello
Streicker, Maurice Philip
Stuhr, Christian A
Suffern, John
Sunila, Thomas D
Sussman, Alexandra Kressel
Swerdlow, Paul H
Swift, Robert L
Swinnerton, John S
Swisher II, Charles
Szerenyi, Peter
Tama, George Pedro
Tama-Sweet, Christina L
Tamsett, Clifton
Tanenbaum, Roy D
Taylor, William J
Tebbetts, George R
Terry, Angel Flemings
Thomas, Janet Ackenheil
Thomas, Pamela L Lowman
Thompson, Arthur
Tischer, John David
Tomkins, Stirling D
Torklep, Linda Crombie
Trew, Meredith Elmendorf
Trippi, David M
Tronick, Edward C
Tschanz, Alicia Weiss
Tschanz, Arnold
Tsongas, Katherine A
Turner, Stephen P
Tuttle, Robert T
Tutton, E Herbert
Ulman, Mary Kinney
Valashinas, George V
Van Arkel, Duane E
Van Bramer, Judy L
Van Scoyoc, Richard W
Vinson, Sandra L
Von Rueden-Bossart, Caryl Nutting
Vories, David H
Wahl, Roger A
Waldman, Michael
Walker, Jr., George
Wallach, Richard
Walter, Edward J
Walter, Frank G
Ward, Jerrold
Warn, Dorothy I
Warren, George F
Wasserman, Judith
Waterman, Gary
Watson, Thomas H
Webster, William E
Wechsler, Brian S
Weimer, Paul
Welch, Brian L
Wells, Berthe E
Westphal, John M
Wilcox, Jonathon
Wilder, George
Will, David C
Williams, Erik J
Williams, Sue Burkhardt
Wilson, Donald C
Wise, Norman
Wittman, Jason
Wolfenson, Lewis
Wood, John F
Woodhull, Richard L
Woodle, A Sheldon
Worzel, Sandra L
Wright, John D
Wurman, Andrew L
Wyman, T.
Yarger, Alvin P
Yonkin, Dale
Young, Frederick
Young, Lawrence
Young, Ralph R
Young, Robson T
Zorach, Deborah Smith
Zornetzer, Paul
Zurich, Conrad E
Zwirner, Clifton