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Meeting Minutes: January 20, 2007

From: Barbara (Bobbie) Furman Attardi, Secretary


Name Email
Don Allen
Barbara Furman Attardi
Barbara Lutz Brim
Nancy Taylor Butler
Marcia Goldschlager Epstein
Linda Cohen Meltzer
Karl Miller
Stan Morgenstein
Carolyn Chauncey Neuman
Nancy Alfred Persily  
Bruce Wagner
Lenore Weitzman

The meeting was called to order about 2:30 by Nancy Persily. President Janet Spencer King was unable to attend due to an injury.

The minutes from the class meeting in 2006 had been circulated on line and were not read.

Treasurer’s Report (Linda Meltzer)

Dues will be raised from $40.00 to $45.00 for an individual and to $65.00 for a Cornell couple to cover operating expenses. This includes subscription to Cornell Alumni Magazine as approved last year. Dues without the Alumni Magazine will be $20.00.

We lost 25 dues payers this year.

During the past year we made a donation of $15,000 to the Carol Tatkon Center in Balch Hall, a learning resource for the freshman class which sees about 1,000 students per day. It’s the site of freshman seminars, peer advising (counseling, tutoring), and presentations by professors. Our gift has become part of the endowment for the Center to be used for programming. Rich Glick spoke to us briefly and said there is a temporary plaque in place in recognition of our gift (photo).

We discussed other ways we could donate money to the University. One possibility is to provide seed money for interim grants. Rich Glick will look into this.

We took several pictures of the meeting attendees.

caco 2007

Standing, from left: Karl Miller, Bruce Wagner, Nancy Taylor Butler, Barbara Lutz Brim, Linda Cohen Meltzer, Nancy Alfred Persily, Don Allen, Barbara Furman Attardi. Seated: Marcia Goldschlager Epstein, Lenore Weitzman.

64s at 64

There was a mini-reunion in Ithaca in June called “64s at 64" with about a dozen people participating in a barbeque dinner at the Neumans’ house. We discussed having another event in conjunction with Reunion at a different location (NYC?).

Lenni Weitzman spoke about an event for Bob Filner '63 who is a Congressman from the San Diego area. A successful event was held in Washington DC where he was the speaker. This included members of classes from the sixties.

Class Awards

JFK Award: The award was not given this year as there was no suitable candidate. We plan to raise the value of the award to $10,000, and we hope there will be more and better applicants.

Cornell Tradition: This award is $4,000 and is managed by the University.

2009 Class Reunion

Chairs are Arnie and Mary Hammer and Stan Morgenstein. Barbara Lutz Brim and Linda Cohen Meltzer have offered to help.

Class Newsletter

We would like Bev Feinberg Moss to continue in this position.

Class Website

The class webmaster is Bruce Wagner, and the website is here. We discussed the possibility of having a class communication on the Web such as My Space, but the capabilities are not in place to do this.

Bruce says that there is little input from classmates and that based on site tracking data, people don’t go to the website that often. We could try emails of the class column to try to generate more interest. We suggested waiting until next year (closer to Reunion) to put autobiographical material on the website. Lenni offered to interview people who have done something interesting in their lives or made a substantial change to put on the website. We could also have a new column in the Newsletter about interesting classmates.


There will be a Council meeting in NYC this summer. We need to start organizing fund raising for Reunion and find people to organize Major Gifts. Stan and Grace offered to attend the meeting in NYC.

New Business

We talked about sponsoring an event in a major city such as New York or Washington DC, possibly including other classes of the sixties. The suggestion was made that we get together to plan this with Alice Berglas, class of ‘66. It might be at the Cornell Club or another location to be determined. Lenni, in principle, will look into planning another event for Bob Filner.

We discussed again sponsoring small seed grants for faculty, not earmarked for a particular topic. Example: Robert Harrison '76 recently endowed the directorship of Cornell's Institute for the Social Sciences. Lenni made a motion, which was passed, to donate $5,000 to this project.

Cornell Reading Project

Next year’s book will be The Pickup by Nadine Gordimer (this year’s was The Great Gatsby). We could arrange to have the book sent to dues payers and organize a book discussion as a networking function. This should cost less than $5.00 per person. When/where we would discuss the book needs to be decided.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm. We spoke to Janet Spencer King on the phone.

Nine of us had a very delicious dinner at Mosholu Restaurant.